What is difference between genetics and genomics?

Genetics is the study of genes and how they affect heredity, or how specific characteristics or disorders are passed down from one generation to the next. The scientific study of genes and their effects is known as genetics. Protein-making instructions, which are carried by genes, control how cells behave and how the body works. Cystic fibrosis, Huntington's disease, and phenylketonuria are a few examples of hereditary or genetic illnesses.

Genomics is a more recent term that describes the study of all of a person's genes, including relations of those genes with each other and with the person’s terrain. Genomics includes the scientific study of complex conditions similar as heart complaint, asthma, diabetes, and cancer because these conditions are generally caused more by a combination of inheritable and environmental factors than by individual genes. Genomics is offering new possibilities for curatives and treatments for some complex conditions, as well as new individual styles.

Both genomics and genetics have an impact on health and disease. Genetics teaches people and families about the inheritance patterns of diseases like sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis, the screening and testing methods available, and the treatment choices for specific genetic illnesses. Researchers are using genomics to better understand why certain people are more susceptible to specific illnesses, environmental variables, and behavioral changes than others. For instance, there are many who lead active lifestyles all their lives, consume a nutritious food, and go for routine checkups but pass away from a heart attack at the age of 40. There are also others who consume bad meals, smoke, never exercise, and live to be 100 years old. The answer to understanding these distinctions may lie in genomics.

The new techniques and technologies genetic and genomic:

  • Proteomics
  • Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics
  • Stem Cell Therapy
  • Cloning
Understanding more about diseases caused by a single gene (using genetics) and complex diseases caused by multiple genes and environmental factors (using genomics) can lead to earlier diagnoses, interventions, and targeted treatments.


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